Balance of Payments Accounts


  • International Economic Activity
  • Current Account
    • Net Exports
  • Capital Account (Financial Account)
    • Financial Investment


Coming Soon


  • Lecture Notes
  • Practice Problems


Balance of Payments: Current Account & Measuring Foreign Trade


Balance of Payments with Financial Accounts: Measuring Foreign Trade


Net Exports, Capital Flows and Trade Balance


Reminders Before Taking Quiz:

  • When you are asked “What Period?” please only put the one digit number of your class period. For example, if you have this class 1st period, just put 1 in the box for your response.
  • The password to login is CASE SENSITIVE, so please be conscious of this as you type in your password.
  • If it appears to be timing out when you login, try the following troubleshooting steps:
    1. Restart your phone (hard shut down and turn it back on)
    2. Turn off WiFi (access quiz through your data carrier)
    3. Click the “Classroom Link” provided in the initial email. Login, and then select this quiz from the list.
    4. If you lost the email, you can access the “Classroom Link” by clicking here. Enter your email address and password to log in and PLEASE BE SURE TO SELECT THE PROPER QUIZ!!!
      1. If you take the quiz once and would like to take it again to get a better grade, sometimes it will disappear from the “pending” section. If that’s the case, click the “completed” section and select the quiz you want to retake.


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